

Legal Trainee

Eeli Aakko




Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Arttu Ahava


Trademark protection, Design protection, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP licensing, Infringement analysis, Technology sales and licensing, IP plan, IP strategy, IP portfolio analysis and management, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL, Privacy

Arttu advises clients in IP strategy and registration processes, drafs and negotiates agreement, and handes enforcement and litigation of patents, designs and trademarks. Arttu has particular expertise in technology and patent licensing, AI and data related regulations, as well as personal data legislation and practices. Arttu handles patent disputes in both the Market Court and the UPC Court.

IP agreements and disputes, trademarks, IP strategy, personal data protection

+358 10 227 2390

de Andrés Gómez

European Design Attorney

Paula de Andrés Gómez

Alicante, Spain

Design protection, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS

Paula is an IP expert focused on protecting the results of creative work. With over a decade of experience related to design rights, she is a seasoned and versatile professional who specializes in design and brand protection. Paula understands the business objectives of industrial design and the designer’s standpoint. Her areas of practice include Finnish and international design, clothing, packaging and the industrial design of branded products in traditional industries.

Design protection, registration of designs, EU designs, national designs, trademarks, industrial design

+358 40 553 5702 (FI)


Lawyer, licensed legal counsel

Joel Ettanen


Trademark protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN LEGAL

Joel assists our clients in various intellectual property related matters, with a particular focus on trademarks. He also has experience in data protection and technology law matters. Joel joined Berggren as a lawyer in 2023, following prior work experience at two different law firms, where he specialized in IPR, technology, and data protection law while studying. Previously, he had also worked as an IPR Legal Trainee at Berggren for a year. During his legal studies, Joel was strongly focused in intellectual property and technology law.

Intellectual property rights, trademarks, agreements, data protection

+358 10 2272253


VP of IP & Technology Legal

Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

Kaisa Fahllund


Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, Selling IP, Buying IP, IP licensing, Technology sales and licensing, IP strategy, IP Due Diligence, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Public Procurements, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Kaisa heads Berggren’s IP & Technology Legal business. She is an experienced professional in the field of IP, contract law and litigation. Kaisa has more than 20 years of experience in drawing up and negotiating commercial contracts, as well as related litigation. In particular, she specializes in ICT project and service contracts, IP and technology license agreements, R&D projects and data protection. Kaisa also has vast experience in advising clients in public procurement procedures and contracts.

ICT contracts and disputes, IP contracts and disputes, advertising and marketing, business secrets, data protection and e-commerce, public procurement

+358 10 227 2276


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Hannu Halmetoja


Trademark protection, Design protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP plan, IP strategy, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Hannu is an experienced IP lawyer with in-depth knowledge of trademark and design right legislation and copyright. Hannu’s expertise provides our clients with the tools to build a strong brand. He helps our clients protect their new designs with design rights and use trademark protection to support their brand-building efforts. Clients also consult Hannu on matters related to the selection and appropriate use of trademarks.

Trademarks, design rights, IP strategy, IP infringements, copyright, anti-counterfeiting measures, marketing law

+358 10 227 2223


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Elisa Huusko


Trademark protection, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP licensing, Infringement analysis, Technology sales and licensing, IP plan, IP strategy, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL, Privacy

Elisa specializes in agreements and intellectual property rights. She has more than 10 years of experience in the field of intellectual property and contracts. She has assisted Berggren’s clients with trademark, patent and copyright-related matters, with technology and license agreements and with settlement of disputes and litigations since 2010. Elisa is well versed in the methods and tools used in the protection of trademarks, works, the products of R&D activities and information. She helps Berggren’s clients protect and utilize their intellectual property.

License agreements, IT law, copyright, trademarks, employee inventions, the settlement of disputes, litigation

+358 10 227 2329


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Jenni Ihalainen


Trademark protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, IP licensing, Infringement analysis, IP plan, IP strategy, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Public Procurements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Jenni has worked as an expert with intellectual property rights since 2006. She has the passion to assist our clients in building strong and valuable brands especially by means of trademark protection as well as management of global trademark portfolios. Jenni provides support also in the enforcement of IP rights, which includes defending clients in IP disputes and litigation as well as drafting IP related agreements. She has also gained experience of public procurement.

IP law, particularly trademarks, domain names, agreements, disputes and litigation, advertising and marketing, public procurement

+358 10 227 2229


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

Patent Attorney

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Suvi Julin


Information and communication technology (ICT)

Trademark protection, Design protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP licensing, Infringement analysis, IP plan, IP strategy, Novelty searches, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), IP Due Diligence, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Agreements, Patenting the invention, Patent monitoring, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL, Russian Desk, Free and Open Source Software, Privacy

Suvi has wide-ranging experience in the field of intellectual property and technology law and her regular activities span an impressive array of legal and technical areas. Suvi specializes in litigation (namely, patent and design litigation) and transactions, but regularly advises clients also in R&D contracts, strategic questions related to employee inventions, commercialization and internationalization of products and services and IP strategies. Suvi is an experienced patent litigator in complex litigations and combines her technical and legal background to match her clients’ needs prior to and during litigations. Suvi is also completing her doctoral studies in law and focuses to UPC and patent litigation related questions. As a patent attorney, Suvi’s technical competence includes software and mobile technologies and standards. Before joining Berggren, Suvi worked for an internationally listed company as a senior specialist/manager on security related technologies and technical approvals. Member of the Board 2022-2023

Trademarks, design rights, patents, employee inventions, agreements, disputes and litigation, counterfeit products, privacy matters

+358 10 227 2115


European Trademark and Design Attorney, Partner

Soile Järvenpää


Trademark protection, Design protection, Infringement analysis, IP plan, IP strategy, IP portfolio analysis and management, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS

Soile has more than 20 years of diverse experience in handling trademark and design right matters locally and internationally. She has commercial and judicial knowledge in counseling clients on choosing the most appropriate way to protect and focus their IP. In addition, Soile provides consultation to clients on a broader basis in questions related to trademark and design right strategies as part of the clients’ IP strategies. Soile also assists our clients in assessing trademark and design right infringements.

Trademarks, design rights, IP strategies

+358 10 227 2622


Licensed Legal Counsel

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Atte Karineva


Trademark protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, IP Infringements, Disputes, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Atte assists clients in a variety of intellectual property assignments particularly related to trademarks, domain names and designs. He helps clients throughout the life cycle of their intellectual property from advising in the registration process to defending the rights and drafting related agreements. Atte also helps clients in handling various infringement and enforcement matters by assessing potential infringements, handling disputes and litigations as well as assisting in seeking amicable solutions through negotiations. Atte has special expertise in and has recently taken part in numerous domain related disputes, namely in UDRP and URS dispute resolution proceedings as well as national proceedings in Finland. Likewise, he has also worked together with Berggren’s patent attorneys and dispute resolution team on challenging patent disputes.

IP law, trademarks, agreements, domains

+358 10 227 2579


Legal Trainee

Katariina Kokkonen




European Trademark and Design Attorney

Enni Kukkasniemi


Trademark protection, Industrial property rights and copyrights, IP Infringements, Unfair Business Practices, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Enni advises our clients on a variety of intellectual property related matters especially regarding trademarks.

Intellectual property rights, trademarks, agreements, advertising and marketing law

+358 10 227 2241


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Milla Lehtoranta


Trademark protection, Design protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Infringement analysis, IP strategy, IP portfolio analysis and management, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), IP Due Diligence, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Milla has more than a decade of wide-ranging experience in the field of intellectual property rights. Milla assists our clients particularly in the areas of brand and design protection as well as the management of trademark and design right portfolios. She also handles disputes and agreements related to all types of intellectual property. Milla also counsels our clients in trademark and design right strategy, domain name disputes and marketing law.

IP law, particularly trademarks, design rights, domain names, patents, employee inventions, advertising and marketing law, agreements, disputes and litigation, food law

+358 10 227 2226


Licensed Legal Counsel
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Iiro Nurminen


Trademark protection, Design protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP licensing, Infringement analysis, Technology sales and licensing, IP plan, IP strategy, IP management tools, IP portfolio analysis and management, Dedicated IP professional as a service, IP Due Diligence, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Public Procurements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Iiro advises clients on wide range of contractual matters as well as intellectual property and information technology related matters. Iiro specializes in technology law and has solid expertise in technology licensing, ICT procurement\outsourcing and R&D projects. Iiro also represents clients in IP and contract disputes and administrative court proceedings.

Commercial agreements, IT law, Trademarks, IP enforcement, IP strategy, Consumer rights, Trade secrets

+358 10 227 2357


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Jukka Palm


Trademark protection, Design protection, Industrial property rights and copyrights, Trade secrects, IP Infringements, Disputes, Counterfeit products, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Jukka is an experienced lawyer specializing in the protection of different types of intellectual property and various disputes. Jukka represents our clients in all kinds of IP-related matters (including trademarks, patents, utility models, designs and copyrights), advertising and marketing law, IP litigation (including the EU courts), IP agreements and the assessment of various kinds of IP infringements. Jukka is also responsible for domestic and global strategic IP planning and the global protection of challenging trademark portfolios, as well as searches related to these matters.

Brand protection, strategic IP planning, patent portfolio evaluation, international disputes, litigation and dispute resolution, appeals in courts and involving the authorities, IP disputes and oppositions, market law disputes, agreements

+358 10 227 2231


Licensed Legal Counsel

Siiri Rajapuro


Trademark protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Siiri is a lawyer and a licensed legal counsel who consults and assists clients, especially in matters related to the protection, monitoring, and defense of brands. Siiri's interests extend beyond intellectual property matters to encompass a wide range of legal aspects associated with the day-to-day business operations of companies, and she is developing her expertise including in the field of labour law.

IP law, trademarks


Licensed Legal Counsel, Partner

European Trademark and Design Attorney

Paula Sailas


Trademark protection, Domain services, Industrial property rights and copyrights, IP licensing, Infringement analysis, IP strategy, IP portfolio analysis and management, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), IP Due Diligence, IP Infringements, Disputes, Unfair Business Practices, Counterfeit products, Advertising and marketing law, Agreements, Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Paula has over 20 years of diverse experience as an IP lawyer. She assists our clients in all stages of the trademark and domain name life cycle, from the name selection process to prosecution and enforcement. Paula has extensive experience in settling trademark and domain name disputes both amicably and in various courts of law. Challenging consulting assignments related to IP agreements, marketing and consumer protection laws as well as copyright issues are also part of her daily work.

Intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyright, domains, agreements, disputes and litigation

+358 10 227 2228


European Trademark Attorney, Partner

Päivi Salonen


Trademark protection, IP plan, IP strategy, IP portfolio analysis and management, Dedicated IP professional as a service, Freedom to operate analysis (FTO), Trademark novelty searches, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS

Päivi has more than 20 years of experience in intellectual property rights and wide-ranging expertise in managing the registration of trademarks in Finland and internationally. She advises our clients on trademark strategy, including trademark selection and the appropriate use of trademarks in business operations. Päivi also works closely with our IP lawyers to assist our clients in various trademark disputes.


+358 10 227 2563


Domain consultant, Partner

Sarina Sandberg



Sarina is a special expert in domain names. Her work includes domain name investigations and monitoring, the registration of new domain names and the comprehensive management of clients’ domain name portfolios, as well as the preparation of various instructions and strategic consulting. Sarina also handles various domain name disputes, helping the IP lawyers involved in the dispute processes.

Domain names, domain strategy

+358 10 227 2297


European Design Attorney

Markku Szymczak


Design protection, Domain services, IP strategy, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS

Markku assists our clients to plan and protect their designs within and outside the EU. He works as a part of our designs team with other design rights professionals. In addition, he advises our clients in domain matters. Since joining Berggren Oy in 2015, Markku has worked with patent, design and domain matters and has an understanding of trademarks, as well. In 2019, he passed the Finnish industrial property attorney exam specializing in design law, which entitles him to be a professional representative before the EUIPO in Community design matters. Among others, he has studied law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany.

Designs, domains

+358 10 227 2392


European Trademark and Design Attorney

Sirpa Tengström


Trademark protection, Dedicated IP professional as a service, BERGGREN BRANDS & DESIGNS, BERGGREN LEGAL

Sirpa has 20 years of experience in intellectual property rights. She advices our clients on choosing trademark strategy, protecting trademarks, registration process and watching the registered trademarks.

Trademarks, changes related to holders of rights.

+358 40 542 2930